Usually, for the purchase of a house, we turn to expert professionals in the sector, such as real estate agents, who are able to follow and advise the customer at every stage of the sale. However, the cases in which, above all in order to be able to save money, one chooses to do it by oneself, dedicating oneself to the purchase of the house from private individuals , without therefore resorting to any intermediary, are not rare .
Let’s see, therefore, what are the advantages and risks of buying houses for sale from private individuals and how best to act in order not to run into nasty surprises and protect one’s interests
What are the advantages of buying houses for sale from private individuals?
Those who choose to look for their dream home among private real estate ads do so primarily to save money: the commissions required by real estate agencies, usually calculated as a percentage of the purchase price of the house, can in fact reach quite high figures. With the diffusion of the internet and the birth of numerous sites dedicated to real estate buying and selling , and not only that, the meeting between supply and demand has also become much simpler and this can only entice both parties to resort to cheaper instruments that replace the figure of the intermediary but very risky.
Reduced times, direct contacts, negotiation to be followed in person, but is buying a house from private individuals really that easy and advantageous ?
What are the disadvantages of private real estate ads?
Doing it yourself in a complex sector such as real estate may not be easy. In fact, when a private individual sells a house, the absence of an intermediary to take care of the bureaucratic duties can represent a significant problem for the parties involved. In the first place, one of the disadvantages of buying a house from private individuals is precisely that of having to carry out all the required procedures on your own, such as the preparation and compilation of numerous documents and the queues in the offices responsible for delivery.
This entails, as can be imagined, longer times as well as higher margins of error, not taking advantage of the skills and preparation of a real estate agent who knows his job well.